MONITOX - Black Sea Basin interdisciplinary cooperation network for sustainable joint monitoring of environmental toxicants migration, improved evaluation of ecological state and human health impact of harmful substances, and public exposure prevention”

Director de proiect, gradul ştiinţific Codul (cifrul) proiectuluiInstituţia executoareTipul proiectuluiDirecţia strategicăCaracterul cercetărilorTermenul de realizareRezultatele preconizateAlocaţii bugetareCofinanţare
dr.hab Zubcov Elena Ion
Universitatea „Dunarea de Jos”, Galați
Institutul de Geologie şi Seismologie al AŞM
Proiecte de dezvoltare a infrastructurii inovaţionale
Biomedicina, farmaceutica, menţinerea şi fortificarea sănătăţii.2020-01-01 - 2021-03-21

The project results obtained following the implementation are: PR1) Enforced cross-border partnership in the Black Sea Basin by established interdisciplinary monitoring network of toxic substances based on EU environmental legislation; PR2) Improved regional monitoring system of toxicants in different environmental compartments within Black Sea Basin by developing a common scientific approach and harmonized operating procedures; PR3) Improved assessment of the ecological state of the Black Sea Basin regions on the basis of the new acquired and public available data on toxic substances; PR4) Enhanced knowledge and expertise linked with the monitoring of toxic compounds to be applied in the process of the training of professionals from the field and future specialists in the Black Sea Basin; PR5) Improved public availability of environmental information in the Black Sea Basin and stronger consciousness of different target groups about the health effects of environmental toxic pollutants.